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Article 17

The most effective Method of Praying and Prayers are only on our Prayer Cards.

Our very important, popular folded Mary Mediatrix Prayer Cards have Saint Augustine’s (one of “The four Great Fathers of The Church”) advice on “Why Your Prayers Are Not Answered”. And, based on Saint Augustine’s advice, THE ASTONISHINGLY EFFECTIVE WAY TO PRAY to receive Healings, Miracles, and many Graces; and the three proven, All Healings Prayers: “Act of Perfect Contrition”, “The Act of Consecration to Jesus and Mary”, and “THE MOST POWERFUL PETITION PRAYER” which have spread to 100 Countries.

OUR TRULY ECUMENICAL, UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED, MARY MEDIATRIX PRAYER CARDS uniquely have four Imprimaturs and two Ecclesiastical Approvals from 3 Archbishops and 3 Bishops for our two, vitally important Prayers: “Act of Consecration to Jesus and Mary”, and “Petition Prayer to Jesus through His Mother Mary”, as follows:

(1) an Imprimatur from an Archbishop from the Holy Roman Catholic Church;

(2) an Imprimatur from a Bishop who works for The Vatican for our Eastern Catholic Church;

(3) an Imprimatur from an Archbishop from the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church;

(4) an Imprimatur from “The Patriarch of The Russian Orthodox Church”! – Conservative Branch and “The Archbishop of Moscow, Russia” from The Russian Orthodox Church

(5) an Ecclesiastical Approval from the Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, from the Holy Roman Catholic Church;

(6) an Ecclesiastical Approval from the Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, from the Holy Roman Catholic Church;

(7) The late Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York – through his Monsignor secretary – also agreed to give his Imprimatur for our two prayers!

Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Icons and Prayer Cards are quickly becoming Instruments for Unity: for all Catholics, for all the Orthodox, for all religions, and for all peoples – for all The East, and for The West – for the Entire World to Love, to Cherish, and to Venerate!

Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Prayer Cards were given the unique distinction of being the only Prayer Cards allowed to be given out at The Catholic Church’s largest “Congress/Conference” in Rome in the year 2000, at “The International Mariological-Marian Congress” which is held every 4 years. The Catholic Church’s “International Mariological-Marian Congress” in the year 2000, in Rome granted Mary's Way Worldwide Apostolate exclusive permission to distribute Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Prayer Cards to the 177 International Renowned, Marian Theologians from 35 countries who lectured in 9 languages for 10 days, and also to the 5,000 Mariologists who attended this “Congress”! It was the largest “Congress” ever held! Pope John Paul II ended this “Congress” with Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica!

All of the Icons on our Prayer Cards are reverently touched to “the kissing lips” of Jesus and Mary on The Original Miraculous Icon® Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces®! All of the Icons and Prayer Cards have been blessed at the altar, at the end of a mass, with holy water and with incense, with “All Healings and All Evil Dispelling Icon Blessings”!

In 1998, the Original Icon Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® was on the television broadcast set of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) with Mother Angelica and Dr. Mark Miravalle, the President and Founder of Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici, ("Voice of the People for Mary Mediatrix') on “The Mother Angelica Live” TV Program! This popular 1 hour Show was broadcast on Televisions, transmitted on radios, short waves, and the Internet worldwide to over 100 different countries! Mother Angelica, the Nuns, and Staff of EWTN all were given Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® large Icons for veneration.

Dr. Mark Miravalle, President of “Voice of the People for Mary Mediatrix of All Graces” on the television broadcast set of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) “Mother Angelica Live” with Mother Angelica in 1998.

Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon was carried before 100,000 people leading the New Millennium’s fight against abortion in “The year 2000 March for Life” in Washington D.C. Josyp Terelya, this Sacred Icon’s artist, carried the Icon next to Pro-Life Congressman Chris Smith!

Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon was carried before 100,000 people leading the New Millennium’s fight against abortion in “The year 2000 March for Life” in Washington D.C. Josyp Terelya, this Sacred Icon’s artist, carried the Icon next to Pro-Life Congressman Chris Smith!

Article 18

“The Consecration of Russia” to Mary by the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishops, Priests, and peoples through the Mary Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon!

A few days after the 9/11/2001 attacks in the United States, the Patriarch of The Russian Orthodox Church – Conservative Branch, and Archbishop of Moscow asked us to bring “Our Lady Mediatrix of All of Graces®” Icon to the Capital of Russia! The reason was that the Patriarch and Archbishop of Moscow and more than 100 Russian Orthodox Bishops and Priests and thousands of Russian people wanted to officially consecrate all Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, themselves, and the Russian Orthodox Church to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through Our Lady Mediatrix Icon! This was done in front of a large statue of Our Lady of Fatima high above overseeing the Consecration.

Three wonderful miracles occurred at the beginning of the second day of “The Consecration of all of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and thousands of Russian people, and The Russian Orthodox Church to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” through Our Lady Mediatrix in Moscow, Russia!

The three alleged miracles, signs from Heaven (from The Trinity) seemed to confirm the vital importance of this world-improving event – through Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces via Our Lady Mediatrix Icon. (Our Lady of Fatima said “Jesus wishes to establish in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart”.)

With the Icon of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® only 30 feet away, on a huge stage in a massive auditorium in Moscow, Russia, in front of 5000 absolutely stunned Russians, the following three alleged Miracles occurred:

(1) Mary, the Mother of God allegedly appeared to the Patriarch who instantly fell to his knees, and went into rapturous ecstasy throughout his 30 minute Apparition of Mary!

(2) Oil continually oozed out of a large crucifix: from the Body of Jesus and also from the Cross – throughout the entire two-day Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart!

(3) Plastic, imitation roses where The Consecration took place emitted very sweet fragrances throughout the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! The Patriarch personally gave The Miraculous Imitation Roses to the caretaker of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Original Icon – as a gift! They are in a Private Chapel in front of the original Miraculous Mediatrix Icon. To this day, years later, the imitation roses still emit sweet fragrances!

Click here to see photos of “The Miraculous Crucifix” oozing oil, and “The Consecration to the Immaculate Heart” by the Russian Orthodox Church and People through the Mediatrix Icon!

The vital importance of “The Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary” of the Russian peoples and The Orthodox Church is directly connected to what “Our Lady of Fatima” had foretold in 1917 “…Russia will be converted first, and with the conversion of Russia, will come the conversion of the whole world!” “The Conversion of Russia” now seems to be possibly, just possibly, coming – through The Grace of God – through Mary’s most powerful role Our Lady Mediatrix of All God’s Graces!


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