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Mary’s Way Worldwide Apostolate, Inc. is a dynamic Worldwide Apostolate devoted to Jesus through His Most Holy Mother Mary.  An "Apostolate" is a group of people working together to promote a Doctrine of the Catholic Church which is "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces"!  Mary’s Way has been operating for 19 years.  Its Founder and Director is Francis Slinsky.  Please contact us at www.marysway.net    or by phone 1-732-892-7400     or by mail at: Mary’s Way Worldwide Apostolate, 990 Cedar Bridge Avenue, Suite B7-150, Brick, New Jersey 08723 USA.

Mary’s Way to Jesus Apostolate began in Mary’s month in May 1996, when Marie Tully, a very devout woman, received three very clear inner locutions from Jesus during “Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament” IN SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH in New York City.  Jesus asked Marie to “go to Medjugorje to go see my Mother.”  Marie quickly went to Medjugorje and to her surprise, she arrived in Medjugorje ONTHE FEAST DAY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST, June 24, 1996, which was also "The 15th Anniversary of the ongoing Apparitions in Medjugorje"

Marie met with Vicka the highly spirited Visionary of Mary that day!  That evening, during an apparition of The Blessed Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Vicka held up Rosary Beads and Brown Scapulars including those of Marie’s friend in the United States, Francis Slinsky.  The Blessed Virgin Mary blessed Francis' Rosary and Brown Scapular in the evening of "The Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist" in Medjugorje!  

During the night, of "The Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist", Saint Louis de Montfort, the most Marian of all saints, appeared to Francis in a dream in the United States.  In the dream, Saint Louis was wearing his very distinct 17th. Century priest habit.  Saint Louis de Montfort came down the aisle from the altar after Mass in a church named in honor of Saint Dominic to whom our Lady told: "One day through the Rosary and the Scapular she would save the world".  In the dream, Saint Louis accurately foretold the creation and coming of the unique Sacred Icon “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” to Francis who would surprisingly, soon become this Sacred Icon’s caretaker. 

Four weeks later on a Saturday dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary , July 26th, ONTHE FEAST DAY OF SAINT ANN AND SAINT JOACHIM, the Blessed Mother’s Mother and Father, Francis (who had been looking through dozens of picture books of Saints for a month to find out who the saint was that appeared in the dream) conclusively confirmed through pictorial comparisons that it was indeed Saint Louis de Montfort in the dream, with the same face, the same facial features, and the same stature, wearing the same very distinct 17th Century priestly habit! 

Exactly 73 days later (there are 73 Books in the Bible), on October 7th, ON "THE FEAST DAY OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY" the last two parts, of the 3-Part Purpose of "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" Sacred Icon,  was foretold in a profound second dream to Francis which is: WHOEVER VENERATES MARY THROUGH HER MOST POWERFUL ROLE AS "MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES"WILL RECEIVE  (1.)VAST OUTPOURINGS OF ALL OF GOD'S GRACES(2.) PROTECTION AGAINST ALL EVIL(3.) AND COMPLETE LASTING PEACE

In retrospect, many spiritually significant events and dates are linked to the creation of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” Miraculous Icon.  For example, ON THE FEAST DAY OF THE MOTHERHOOD OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Mary’s Way Apostolate was established. Two days later, on October 13th, 1996, ONTHE ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT MIRACLE OF THE SUN IN FATIMA, Josyp Terelya from the Ukraine, one of the world’s finest Icon painters (writers), mystic, and world renowned Marian Visionary offered to paint the Icon WITH MARY'S TRUE HEAVENLY FACEmost surprisingly, DURING A SAINT LOUIS DE MONTFORT RELIGIOUS CONFERENCE! 

On November 13 and on December 13, through inspiration, vitally important additions were made to the Icon.  THE ICON WAS COMPLETED ONCHRISTMAS DAY 1996 – AS MARY'S GIFT TO THE ENTIRE WORLDGIVEN TO EVERYONE ON THE 2000th BIRTHDAY OF JESUS!  (There is a 4 year error in our calendars. It occurred when our present “Gregorian Calendar” was revised in the year 1582 from “The Julian Calendar”.) 


1)  Seemingly miraculous, our Blessed Mother’s eyes in "The Miraculous Icon" are always looking directly at you - where ever you move, her loving eyes are always following you, she is always looking after you, she never leaves you, her beloved child! 

2)  Blessed Mother’s face in "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" Miraculous Icon is the alleged true face of Mary, the Mother of God, the same face Saint Luke the Evangelist painted on an Icon of her while she was in Saint John the Apostle’s Home in Ephesus.  The Icon that Saint Luke painted is almost 2,000 years old, and venerated in Saint Mary Major Papal Basilica in Rome, Italy. 

3)  It is the only Icon of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” in the world!  It was interiorly arranged and designed by Our Lady for the vitally important upcoming Dogma: "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces,...”!

 4)  This Sacred Icon has an astonishing 545 Iconic details!  Some of the most important details that are in the Icon are that it has:  All Four Marian Dogmas, The First Dogma THE MOTHER OF GOD, The Second Dogma PERPETUAL VIRGINITY, The Third Dogma THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, The Fourth Dogma THE ASSUMPTION;  the proposed 3-part Final Marian Dogma: "OUR LADY MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES"®, “COREDEMPTRIX”, “ADVOCATEall 7 of the most important stages of Mary’s life:THE ANNUNCIATION”, “THE VISITATION, THE NATIVITY”, “THE PRESENTATION”, THE FINDING IN THE TEMPLE”, THE WEDDING AT CANA”, “THE CRUCIFIXION”;  every vital part of Mary’s life:THE NEW EVE”, “THE NEW ADAM”, “THE WOMAN OF REVELATIONS”, etc. See History – Article 15 in our website for complete details. 

5)  All of the 13 features in "Mary's beautiful Heavenly Face: on Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon at Mary's Way Apostolate are identical to, and are fully corrobrated by, the independently written descriptions that were given many years earlier by all six Medjugorje Visionaries!  They each independently, twice gave their written descriptions to their spiritual director who wrote about them in his writings and about "Mary's Heavenly Face", including the most important feature, that "MARY HAS A LIGHT COLOR BROW"! 

6)  These six Visionaries had each seen "Mary's Heavenly Face" hundreds of times for many years!  MARY'S "LIGHT COLOR BROW" IS: THE DOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT INDELIBLY AGLOW ON MARY'S BROW IN HEAVEN, and also subtly shown on The Miraculous Icon - Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces!   This further, definitively shows that the Sacred Miraculous Icon has the alleged "true, real Heavenly Face of Mary". 

7)  The Icon was very specially painted by Josyp Terelya, world renowned mystic and Marian visionary, chosen by Our Lady – the only person who could paint this Icon! 

8)  So many alleged Favors, Graces and Blessings, Healings and over 220 "Miracles" have been attributed to Mary, including a private audience with Pope John Paul II and Francis Slinsky, the Founder and Director of Mary's Way Apostolate through the veneration of this Icon, that it is now known as The Miraculous Icon®.  See TESTIMONIALS in our website for complete details. 

9)  ONTHE FEAST DAY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST June 24, 1996, the Sacred Icon was foretold to Francis, in a dream by Saint Louis de Montfort!  

10)  ON "THE FEAST DAY OF SAINT ANN AND SAINT JOACHIM"the Blessed Mother's Mother and Father June 26, 1996, on a Saturday dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Francis, looking through dozens of picture books of Saints for a month, found conclusively that the Saint who appeared in the dream, WAS SAINT LOUIS DE MONTFORT!



13)  ONTHE FEAST DAY OF THE GREAT MIRACLE OF FATIMA October 13, 1996, Francis Slinsky very surprisingly commissioned Josyp Terelya to paint the Icon at a Saint Louis de Montfort Religious Conference. The religious conference was entitled “True Devotion to Mary”, "The Twin Pillars of Victory” from the well-known Prophetic Dream of Saint John Bosco.  The two pillars to which The Catholic Church is anchored to in times of trouble are: The Eucharist, and Our Lady!

14)  Through Inspiration, on November 13, 1996 the Icon has to be completely repainted to Iconically paint "The Wedding Feast of Cana" and "The Crucifixion" in the upper left corner and the upper right corner of the Icon and the "Ichthus" on the bottom middle of the Icon.

15)  Again through Inspiration, on December 13, 1996 the Sacred Icon had to be completely repainted to add the Icon's Title in Latin DOMINA NOSTRA MEDIATRIX OMNIUM GRATIARUM (Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces) in a banner around Mary's head.

16)  ON "CHRISTMAS DAY" December 25, 1996, The Miraculous Icon of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces was completed by Josyp Terelya.  IT IS OUR LADY'S SPECIAL GIFTHER CHRISTMAS PRESENT  TO THE ENTIRE WORLD

17)  ONTHE FEAST DAY OF THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GODJanuary 1, 1997, the Icon was solemnly blessed by Bishop Roman Danylak at Mass in Canada in The Eastern Holy Roman Catholic Church, Ukrainian Rite. 

18)  The Icon was shipped on February 13, 1997 by Josyp Terelya from Toronto, Canada to Mary's Way in the United States.

19)  ON "SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY" February 14, 1997, the Icon arrived from Toronto, Canada - where Josyp Terelya lived and where he painted this Sacred Icon - into the United States.  The large box in which the Original Miraculous Icon was shipped is Dated and Time Stamped (in military time) crossing the Canadian border into the United States AT EXACTLY, ON THE FIRST 13th MINUTE of Valentine’s Day STAMPED 00.13?which is also the number related to "Our Lady of Fatima"!  This was Our Lady’s “Stamp of Approval”, her “Token of Love” for all!  The Miraculous Icon”, “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Gracesis somehow mysteriously linked to “Our Lady of Fatima”, and to “Our Lady of Medjugorje”   (1917, 1981, 1996). 


21)  When the Sacred Icon arriving at “Mary’s Way to Jesus Apostolate”, a single blessed 7-day candle was lit for the Icon of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces”, and also for “Our Lady of Fatima”, and for “Our Lady of Medjugorje” which are all very mysteriously linked to the Sacred Icon “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces”!  After 4 days of burning, the votive candle, with 3 days of candle wax still left, BURNED “MIRACULOUSLY” FOR EXACTLY 3 HOURS: FOR JESUS' 3 HOURS ON THE CROSS!  (I showed my wife: that the time was from EXACTLY 1:13 TO 4:13 AGAIN THE SIGNS 13!) 

22)  The burning candle wick on the blessed votive candle split apart, and the top half of the burning, split candle wick then slowly TURNED INTO THE SHAPE OF A PERFECT CRUCIFIX 

23) In addition, the top of the split burning candle wick curled into the shape of a perfect Paschal-shaped letter “PREPRESENTING THE SACRIFICIAL, PASCHAL LAMB ON THE ALTAR OF THE CROSS – at the top of “The burning Candle Wick Crucifix”!  This was videotaped and shown to others. 

24) Also "miraculously", when the candle burned out, the remains of the burnt, blackened candle wick – TURNED WHITE, AND THEN TURNED INTO THE OUTLINE OF A PERFECTICHTHYS” (a fish symbolizing all Christians – “a sign” that this is the Icon for all Christians throughout the world) at the bottom of the 8 inch glass container which held the candle – and is still there!  THE EXACT SAME WHITE-OUTLINED "ICHTHYS" IS PAINTED ON THE MIRACULOUS ICON®, ALSO AT THE BOTTOMAfter burning hundreds of candles this has never happened again! 

25)  ONTHE FEAST DAY OF THE ANNUNCIATIONMarch 25, 1997, the Original Icon of "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" was most powerfully and most solemnly blessed at the Altar at Mass in the Eastern Roman Catholic Byzantine Rite by Reverend Konstantine Brown in Saint Mary’s of the Assumption Byzantine Catholic Church, Trenton, New Jersey.  This was the very first blessing of the Original Miraculous Icon, Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces.   This most powerful, most solemn “All Healing and an All Evil Dispelling Blessing” Prayer has since then been used on all of our Icons and religious articles.  

26)  The Sacred Icon of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® of Child Jesus and Mary went “mysteriously missing for 3 days” in Rome from May 28 to May 31, 1997  while on a pilgrimage to a religious conference!  This parallels the event in the Bible, where Child Jesus went "mysteriously missing for 3 days" on a pilgrimage and a religious conference!  It was found 3 days later through much prayer and through the help of the Italian Government Minister of Art, the International President of Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici Dr. Mark Miravalle, Archbishops and Bishops, and members of the International Catholic movement “Voice of the People for Mary Mediatrix”!  

27)  ON THE FEAST DAY OF THE VISITATION" May 31, 1997,   the Icon's very first blessing in the Roman Catholic Church was by his Eminence Alphonse Cardinal Stickler the Librarian and Archivist of the entire Holy Roman Catholic Church in Rome, Italy - in a solemn High Mass concelebrated with Cardinal Martinez, together with 13 Archbishops, 42 Bishops, and 25 Priests - 80 on the Altar from 40 different Countries from around the worldOur Lady arranged and designed that The Original Mary Mediatrix Icon was blessed in The Church of The House of Mary on May 31, 1997, the Feast of “The Visitation”.  

28) The Original Icon of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” was on stage and honored throughout the entire "Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici 1997 International Conference" in Rome from May 30 through June 2, 1997.  In attendance were Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, internationally renowned theologians and Marian leaders from 55 countries!

29)  On May 30, 1998, "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" also arranged  that her Icon was very specially honored by being on the Altar in "The Church of the House of Mary" in a solemn High Mass concelebrated by the Pope's Curia Cardinal, his Eminence Alphonse Cardinal Stickler with 110 Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests, on the altar from 70 Different Countries!

30) On May 29 through May 31, 1998, the Original Icon of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” was on stage and honored throughout the entire “Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici" "1998 International Leadership Conference” in Rome 

31)  ON "THE ORIGINAL FEAST DAY OF 'OUR LADY MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACES'", WHICH WAS ALSO "THE FEAST OF THE VISITATIONMay 31, 1998, THE ORIGINAL ICON WAS PLACED ON A SPECIAL EASEL IN SAINT PETER'S BASILICA NEXT TO MICHELANGELO'S PIETA!  THE ORIGINAL MEDIATRIX ICON was mysteriously, so very wonderfully kept next to Michelangelo’s Pietà in Saint Peter's Basilica FOR EXACTLY 33 HOURS – allegedly FOR JESUS' 33 YEARS ON EARTH!   This parallels the event in the Bible, where Jesus was on earth for 33 years, represented by the 33 hours!

32) On May 12, 1999, Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon was very specially honored in SAINT PETER’S BASILICA by being placed at the altar, in a Solemn Mass, concelebrated by 24 Archbishops and Bishops IN THE HEART OF SAINT PETER’S BASILICA DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF SAINT PETER’S TOMB! This Sacred Mary Mediatrix Icon was also greatly honored to be at the Altar during Mass in “The Grotto of the Popes”, under Saint Peter’s Basilica Main Altar – where nearly all of the 264 popes are buried. 

33) On May 13, 1999, the Original Icon of "Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces" was at the Altar during Holy Mass in Saint Mary Major Papal Basilica in Rome, on The Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 1999.  This Papal Basilica is the first, the largest and most important Basilica to Mary in the world! 

34) On May 13, of that same year, the Sacred Mary Mediatrix Icon was greatly honored to be in the second largest church in the world, SAINT PAUL OUTSIDE THE WALLS PAPAL BASILICA in front of the Tomb of Saint Paul the Apostle at the immense main Altar, at a Special Mass, concelebrated by 24 Archbishops and Bishops! 

35) Also on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 1999, the Fatima-related Icon, Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® was at the main Altar, at Mass in SAINT JOHN LATERAN PAPAL BASILICA with 24 Archbishops and Bishops. 

36) On May 14, 1999, Saint John Paul the Great specially blessed the original Sacred Icon of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces with Mary’s very powerful role as “Our Lady Mediatrix of All of God’s Graces”!  This historic Private Audience was in the Pope’s Personal Office and Library in the Vatican.  After the Pope’s discussion about this Sacred Icon, he pointed out details in the Icon! The Pope then said: “… Bring the Icon to my Chapel in my residence, and place the Icon next to the Altar for the Papal Mass” and for prayers before Our Lady Mediatrix Icon”! This Papal Mass was concelebrated with 26 Archbishops and Bishops! The Pope very gratefully received: 3 large Icons of “Our Lady Mediatrix of all Graces …” our “Mediatrix Icon Book”, our “Mary Mediatrix ‘Prayer Cards’”, and our exquisite “Icon Medal” of “Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces” for his use! His Holiness, Pope John Paul II showed his appreciation for his “Mary Mediatrix” gifts, and for this meeting, by giving a “Custom-made Papal Rosary” with his “Papal Crucifix” and his “Papal coat-of-Arms” on it and also on a leather-bound, satin lined, “Papal Rosary Case” with his Papal Coat-of-Arms inside! 

37) On May 16, 1999, the Sacred, original “Mary Mediatrix Icon” was placed on the right rear side of Pope John Paul II’s temporary Outdoor Altar at the top of the steps, directly in front of Saint Peter’s Basilica, for the outdoor Sunday Papal Mass with over 300,000 people in attendance 

38) On November 26 and 27, 2001, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Moscow, Archbishop John Bereslavsky with 100 Russian Orthodox Bishops, and Priests, through the Russian Orthodox Church, together with thousands of Russian people consecrated all of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova and consecrated themselves to the “Immaculate Heart of Mary” through Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Icon in Moscow, Russia! 

39) On December 8, 2001, on the Feast Day of “The Immaculate Conception”, Josyp Terelya brought a video tape and 200 photographs of "The Consecration of Russia, through the Russian Orthodox Church, through Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Icon" to Pope John Paul II in a Private Audience in Rome. After his private audience with Pope John Paul II, Josyp Terelya called Francis Slinsky, the Founder and Director of Mary’s Way and said: “Holy Father had tears of overwhelming joy streaming from his eyes for 6 to 7 minutes while he carefully studied every one of the 200 photographs of the Consecration of Russia and people, through the Russian Orthodox Church to Mary through the 'Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces Icon'!” 

40) On March 25, 2002, on the Feast Day of “The Annunciation”, the Original Miraculous Icon® of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces® Icon was blessed with an “All-Healing and An All evil-dispelling Icon Blessing,” at the altar during Holy Mass, in The Orthodox Catholic Church Rite by Benedictine Priest, Father Miguel DeMaria Rosa Mistica, O.S.B.

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